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Advanced Mask Editor v2.1 For Aftereffect

Advanced Mask Editor v2.2 script editing script in Aftereffect with video tutorial


This section contains another example of an After Effects ready script for the Windows and Mac versions called Attaching Masks Made in Part. This section also includes video tutorials on working with the Advanced Mask Editor v2.2 script and is available for download in MP4 format.

Advanced Mask Editor v2.1 For Aftereffect

Solo Mask. Set First Vertex. Merge. Cut. Mirror. Flip. Copy. Open-Close Path. Move To Center. Convert To Shape. Curvature. Mask Save & Load. Mask Fx
Now The Mask Editor works with animated masks. You can merge two animated masks into one mask and copy flip or mirror your animated element. 50 cool animated presets







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System Requirement For adobe after effects


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