
Boris FX Sapphire

Boris FX Sapphire Plug-ins Plug-ins for Adobe / OFX v2021.5 x64

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Sapphire is a powerful and versatile software for creating visual effects and special effects on movies, videos and teasers in software such as AVID and After Effects that most large companies and professionals in the effects industry. Intuitive and special use it. With this software, you can add elements such as light rays, change the background color of the movie, create lightning and hundreds of other unique effects to your videos and videos.

Key features of Sapphire software:
– Creating visual effects and professional special effects
– Used by professionals in the visual effects industry
– Creating various light effects
– Has a library with more than 250 attractive pre-designed effects
– High speed in creating and rendering effects
– simple and functional user interface
– and …

required system

OS: Windows 10

Recommended Hardware:
Processor: 64-bit Intel or AMD CPU with four or more cores
Memory: 8 GB or more
Disk: High-speed disk array or SSD storage
Graphics Card: on Windows / Linux High-end NVIDIA Quadro, TITAN or GeForce Pascal, eg Quadro P5000 or GeForce GTX 1080 Ti. On macOS a 2019 or newer AMD card.
Monitor: 1920 × 1080 or higher, including high dpi 4k monitors
GPU Acceleration: NVIDIA cards only on Windows / Linux, with the latest NVIDIA CUDA card and driver is recommended. Metal is supported on macOS, with recent AMD cards recommended.

Supported Hosts:
– Adobe After Effects & Premiere Pro
– Avid Media Composer
– Autodesk Flame
– Blackmagic Resolve and Fusion
– SGO Mistika
– Grassvalley Edius and Rio
– ToonBoom Harmony
– HitFilm Pro.

Sapphire 11 is now available for all supported hosts, including Adobe, Avid, the Autodesk Flame family & OFX hosts such as Resolve, Fusion, Baselight (versions 4.3 and 4.4 only), Nucoda, Vegas Pro and NUKE. Sapphire 11 is a major upgrade for the suite of VFX plug-ins. Key features include integrating the Academy Award-winning Mocha planar tracking and masking engine into Sapphire effect. In addition to adding Mocha, over 50 new effect and transitions, created with the Sapphire Builder, are also included with Sapphire 11. Autodesk Flame artists will benefit from the addition of an exclusive S_Mocha spark, which allows for the exporting of mocha planar tracking data for use in other Flame compositing modules. And finally, as with every major release, Sapphire 11 has been optimized for maximum CPU and GPU performance. Scroll down for more information.



Sapphire is proud to feature integrated Mocha planar tracking and masking in the legendary suite of VFX plug-ins. Right from within your favorite effect, Sapphire now has the ability to launch Mocha and create and track a mask, utilizing the Academy Award-winning planar tracking technology. Mocha masks can be used in a variety of ways, from simple isolation to full-blown rotoscoping. Power users of Sapphire have long known the secret to creating great effects has always been employing masks to selectively isolate, and now working with that technique is easier than ever. Sapphire 11 with Mocha is currently available for all supported hosts and featured in Sapphire units as well. Learn more about integrated Mocha tracking by clicking here.

Need to do screen inserts or difficult removes? Learn more about Mocha Pro.


Sapphire 11 adds over 50 highly-stylized, multi-effect presets and transitions based on Sapphire’s powerful Builder effect. Easily drag and drop on a project or customize as desired. These highly advanced presets are created by top notch working professional editors and artists who use Sapphire in their day to day work. Anyone who has explored the power of the Effect Builder knows these new presets are like whole new Sapphire effects, so we are excited to include over 50 in Sapphire 11. Watch the video for a quick preview.


Sapphire 11 is the most significant release of Sapphire for Flame in years, bringing the Academy Award-winning Mocha tracking, masking and rotoscoping toolset right into Flame for the first time. Every Sapphire effect, where appropriate, now has a built-in Mocha masking module for easy isolation, and a dedicated Mocha Spark places the power of Mocha at the heart of Flame’s Timeline and Batch workspaces for fluid interaction with native tools. The new Mocha Spark also enables the export of complex roto shapes as GMasks and the export of Mocha planar tracking and stabiliser data to Action. Watch this short introduction video to learn all about these exciting new features.


With every major release of Sapphire, CPU and GPU benchmarks are heavily scrutinized and every effort is made to increase overall speed and performance. Sapphire 11 also features several classic Sapphire effects and transitions enhancements, all resulting from user feedback. Watch the video of the newly enhanced Swish 3D preset.



A long kept secret in the Hollywood feature film community, the Sapphire lighting package has been used in countless films, commercials, and television programs. It’s fast, beautiful, and stocked with many smart time-saving features that will leave your images looking beautiful in no time at all. Whether it’s glows, glints, lens flares, light rays, or glares, the Sapphire lighting package lives up to the hype.


Sapphire’s Effect and Transition Builder gives users the ability to browse and try out Sapphire effects with ease, enabling artists and editors to create their own custom effects and transitions. Builder ships with over 150 presets for creative and correctional purposes, so you can start using it right out of the box. Browse the new presets by effect name, genre, or featured artist. All new effects and transitions made with Builder can be saved as presets and shared across compatible hosts: Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Avid Media Composer, and DaVinci Resolve

Learn more about Sapphire Builder.


There’s nothing harder than starting from a blank slate so Sapphire features over 3000 presets, many crafted by top notch artists and editors. With every release, brand new presets are added so there’s always something fresh to play with.


Sapphire offers a wide variety of convenient licensing options. Whether it’s breaking down the full suite into individually priced Sapphire Units, offering Sapphire subscriptions, or RLM server based “floating licenses”, Sapphire can fit into any budget. Learn more about Sapphire pricing or by contacting our Sales team here.



A favorite of the Hollywood crowd for decades, Sapphire Glow is one of the all-time legendary and most versatile effects. Whether you are looking to slightly alter the mood of a shot or dramatically change the lighting, the silky smooth subtleness of Sapphire Glow will always live up to the hype.

Check out the links below to learn why professionals love adding S_Glow to their work:

Why Adobe Premiere Pro Editors Love S_Glow
Why Adobe After Effects Artists Love S_Glow
Why Avid Media Composer Editors Love S_Glow


Sapphire film effect began as a way to accurately emulate 35mm film for video, but fast-forward to the post production world of today and it’s now used as a multi-faceted color grading tool and plug-in. Packed with tons of amazing presets, editors and artists can quickly achieve dozens of different popular color treatments with Sapphire Film Effect.

Check out the links below to learn how professionals use S_FilmEffect to create stunning color treatments:

Why Adobe After Effects Artists Love S_FilmEffect

View our in-depth tutorial on Sapphire’s FilmEffect in Avid Media Composer


Shake holds it’s place amongst the most popular Sapphire effects because it’s versatility and ease of use. Whether used to emulate a documentary style hand-held camera shake or the magnitude of an earthquake-like effect, Shake’s deep parameter set allows it to adapt to any situation.

Watch the links below to see why professionals turn to S_Shake for adding adding camera shake to locked off footage:

Why Adobe Premiere Pro Editors Love S_Shake
Why Adobe After Effects Love S_Shake
Why Avid Media Composer Editors Love S_Shake


Sapphire LensFlare gives you the ability to add photorealistic lens flares from a huge amount of presets or create them from scratch with the Sapphire Flare Designer, our own application for building feature film quality lens flares. Never adjust your F-stops or shine a light into your camera again!

Watch and learn why professionals across every industry choose S_LensFlare when it comes to adding some flare to their work.

Why Adobe Premiere Pro Editors Love S_LensFlare
Why Adobe After Effects Artists Love S_LensFlare
Why Avid Media Composer Editors Love S_LensFlare


Vignette is a great example of a classic Sapphire effect. It helps you take a repetitive multi-click task and turn it into one step with increased flexibility and new functionality. But don’t take our word for it, check out how the profesionals use Sapphire Vignette in your host application of choice:

Why Adobe Premiere Pro Editors Love S_Vignette
Why Adobe After Effects Artists Love S_Vignette
Why Avid Media Composer Editors Love S_Vignette


Sapphire Works With:

  • Adobe After Effects (Builder compatible)
  • Adobe Premiere Pro (Builder compatible)
  • Avid Media Composer (Builder compatible)
  • Autodesk Flame Family
  • Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve (Builder compatible, Mocha tracking available on Resolve Studio only)
  • Blackmagic Fusion
  • The Foundry NUKE
  • Vegas Pro Studio
  • Grass Valley Edius
  • Silhouette
  • Baselight (versions 4.3 and 4.4 only)
  • Toon Boom Harmony
  • Other OFX-compatible hosts

For compatibility with specific versions and operating systems, please see our Sapphire Compatibility Matrix.

Tech Specifications

  • Resolution independent – HD, 2K, Ultra HD, 4K, 8K, etc.
  • Floating point processing – All effects use full floating point processing for improved image quality and full 32-bit HDR support
  • 64-bit enabled – expanded memory capabilities
  • Multiprocessor support
  • GPU acceleration available for NVIDIA cards only. The latest NVIDIA CUDA card and driver is recommended.


3D Plugins are a way to extend the functionality of your video editing software. They can be used for anything from color correction to 3D animation and compositing…

3D Plugins are a set of utilities for after effects, premiere, cinema 4D.., created specifically for the professional needs of video Editors artists.

➡️ ➡️ For more 3D Pluggins    😀 😀


System Requirement For adobe after effects


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