
Converts the expressions in your projects so that they are compatible with After Effects running in any language. Now with batch processing.

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Expression Universalizer 4.0.5 For After Effects

Expression Universalizer 4.0.5 Submit Project for Any System with Coding in After Effects
Converts the expressions in your projects so that they are compatible with After Effects running in any language. Now with batch processing.

In this section, you can see the Expression Universalizer script version 4.0.5, which is available for download along with a video tutorial. With the help of this script, we can submit the project along with coding for any system or version of the software. For example, we built a project in After Effects that used a number of codes. When we send this project to another system or another version of After Effects, it warns that with this script we can make the transfer correctly.

New Features

  • ExpressionUniversalizer 4 has an all-new c++ based expressions parsing engine. This means it is about 10-20% faster and more accurate.
  • Support for all After Effects native languages**: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Chinese
  • Support for Data layer references (JSON, CSV, etc)

Make your projects compatible with After Effects running in any language

Automatically converts the expressions in your projects so that they are compatible with After Effects running in any language. If you are an After Effects template author or create projects for international clients you’ve certainly run into the situation where your expressions break on your client’s machine. This is where ExpressionUniversalizer will come to the rescue! Just run it with one click on your projects before you post or send them and they will be guaranteed to work!

ExpressionUniversalizer 4 has the most robust and tested expression parsing engine available. This means it will successfully universalize 99.9% of all expressions. No more exceptions or special cases. Just run it on your project and that’s it!

 **IMPORTANT** The only consideration is that you need to run the Universalizer in the same language as the expressions are written. For example, if your expressions are written in German then you need to have After Effects running in German when you run the Universalizer.  Once the project has been translated or “universalized” it will be able to be opened in any language and the person using your project or template will not need Universalizer on their machine.

Super easy to use! Just one click!

It’s very easy to use, simply choose whether you want to process the current comp or all the comps in your project and click on the Universalize Expressions button. That’s it. There is an option to create a log file in case you want a detailed record of what is being converted or if you run into any trouble.

There is also the option to add a “Universalized” tag in the comp comment field in the project panel. A common support issue for templates is from customers that don’t run AE in the same language that the project was authored in.  If you are a template author and are submitting your template to a marketplace like Adobe Stock then this allows the reviewers to quickly check and see that your expressions have been universalized and will make your template more attractive since it will require less customer support from them.

Batch project processing

You can batch process a folder of After Effects project files with advanced filtering and renaming options.

Launch ExpressionUniversalizer as a service from KBar

You can launch EU as a service from KBar using a JSON argument.

  • “scan” options are:
    • project
    • comps
    • layer
    • layers
    • batch
  • “batch” options:
    • project_match
      the text that will be matched in the project name when running a batch
    • rename_mode
      can be “suffix”, “prefix” or “replace”
    • rename_text
      the text that will be added to the project name using the “rename_mode”
  • “suppress” all alerts including errors
  • “add_tag” will add the “Expressions Universalized” tag to the project
  • “remove_disabled_expressions” during the scan
  • “logfile” defines where the logfile will be saved

Here is an example argument to scan selected layers:


Here is an example argument to do a batch:

{"scan":"batch", "batch": {"project_match":"eu_","rename_mode":"suffix","rename_text":"_universalized"},"suppress":true, "add_tag":true, "remove_disabled_expressions":true, "logfile":"~/Desktop/EU_log.txt"}

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