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Infographics Kit And Replaceable Elements After Effects Template

A package of infographics with a large set of scenes with devices, graphics, maps and people. The set is universal and has a modular structure, that is, you can collect your individual presentation or complete the project. The project consists of more than 500 elements and includes more than 280 ready-made scenes. A special feature of the project is the rapid replacement of thematic elements. For example, it is easy to reconstruct from the topic of construction on the subject of the economy.

Infographics Kit And Replaceable Elements After Effects Template

After Effects Version CC, CS6
Files Included After Effects Project Files
Universal Expressions Yes
Resolution 1920×1080
File Size 721MB


  • After Effects CS6 and above
  • FullHD 1920×1080; 30 fps
  • 280+ pre-animated scenes
  • 250+ replaceable elements
  • 100 Images
  • 100 Icons
  • Expressions color control (Universal Expressions)
  • Very easy customize. PDF tutorial included.


Infographics Set & Elements - 14


Infographics Set & Elements - 15


Infographics Set & Elements - 16

Human Infographics

Infographics Set & Elements - 17

After effects templates

Amazing clips to use and help you create your own unique projects from AE templates or to improve the design of your existing broadcasts.

We have a wide range of templates for you to choose from. You can find PowerPoint Video Templates, Motion Graphics Templates, and After Effects Logo Templates, Scripts, Promos, news, fashion, sports, social media, titles…

After Effects Templates, Wedding Templates as well, After Effects Intro Templates, Transitions, Products Promos, Instagram stories, Scripts, Call Titles, Elements 3D, Corporate , and many more.

With After Effects project files, or templates, your work with motion graphics and visual effects will get a lot easier. In short, they are customizable After Effect files, neatly organized and labelled. You can easily change colors, text and other design elements without having to spend time on creating timelines and effects. It’s all there-you just need to customize it to fit your project.

What you waiting for? Hurry up and download the best after effects templates


➡️ ➡️ For more Ready Project Files Templates    😀 😀


System Requirement For adobe after effects


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