Create MASH Mainframe motion graphics scenes for Maya

Version 3.3 has been added.

Mainframe MASH is one of the most widely used Maya plugins for creating motion scenes Graphics and combinations are used.
A new version of this powerful plugin has been released for Maya 2014-2015 software, which you can download below.

Installation instruction: 
1- Install the MASH 3.3 plugin. (

Suitable for software version) 2- Copy and replace the MASH.mll file located in the Medicine folder in the following path.
C: \ Users \ XXXXXXX \ Documents \ maya \ 2015-x64 \ plug-ins The

plugin is enabled and now usable.

MASH 3.3 For Maya

MASH is a procedural animation toolkit for Maya, giving you the tools you need to replicate, instance and animate objets procedurally. MASH has a suite of 27 Maya nodes that are motion design concentric. MASH offers a range of effector nodes which can be linked together to generate customizable effects that can be controlled from Maya’s Attribute and Node Editors.

New features in the 3.x releases
Mash, back during the 2.x series of releases, Mainframe has introduced support for Viewport 2.0 in Maya 2015, and streamlined workflow, both further improving performance.

There are also several new features, including Dash, a new scripting tool intended to speed up repetitive tasks; Blend and Jiggle deformers; and Blend, Replicator and Transformer nodes.

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