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Zaxwerks 3D Flag v4.0.0

3D Flag is one of the most widely used plugins by Zaxwerks , which is used to create and simulate 3D flags.

Note: This plugin can be installed on CC 2014 and CC 2015 versions.

Zaxwerks 3D Flag v4.0.0

The cloth of the flag responds to wind, gravity and the movement of the pole.

  • Apply different pictures on the front and back of the cloth
  • Play movies on the cloth
  • Create looping animations of any length
  • Create curtains, roll-down and drop-down animations
  • Keyframable wind speed, wind direction, and gravity
  • Animate the position of the poles to wave your flag!
  • 3D Flag Poles that look like wood, steel, etc. and respond to the After Effects Camera
  • Comes with a wide variety of caps for the top and stands for the bottoms of the flag poles
  • Ability to make your own caps and stands


  • 25 Times Faster Rendering with Reactor Rendering Engine
  • Realistic Shadows
  • Ambient Occlusion
  • Image-Based Lighting
  • Rotating Reflection Maps
  • New Dark Interface
  • Interaction Improvements
  • After Effects CC 2015 Compatibility

Amazing clips to use  and help you create your own unique projects from AE templates or to improve the design of your existing broadcasts.

We have a wide range of templates for you to choose from. You can find Powerpoint Video Templates, Motion Graphics Templates, After Effects Logo Templates

After Effects Wedding Templates as well  as After Effects Intro Templates and many more.

With After Effects project files, or templates, your work with motion graphics and visual effects will get a lot easier. In short, they are customizable After Effect files, neatly organized and labelled. You can easily change colors, text and other design elements without having to spend time on creating timelines and effects. It’s all there-you just need to customize it to fit your project.


➡️ ➡️ For more Ready Project Files Templates    😀 😀


System Requirement For  AE


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