CreativeMarket Realistic Snow Overlays
20 cover images of real snowfall 113 MB | With preview | PNG & JPG format
In this collection, you can see 20 cover images called real snowfall, which are available for download in PNG and JPG formats on the site.
CreativeMarket Realistic Snow Overlays
A collection of realistic falling snow overlays. Includes 2 “dark snow” overlays that have been made specifically for use with bright/white photographs for which most snow overlays will not work.
Each of the 20 files is a 5000 x 4000 pixel transparent PNG (high-resolution; 300 dpi). Files can be used with any graphics software that supports layering by simply placing the image over top of your photo. Comes with simple Photoshop instructions.
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Illustrator System Requirement
System Requirement For Photoshop CC
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