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PhysX Painter

PhysXPainter v1.01 for 3ds Max 2013-2020 plugin is a 3D Max application script for creating scenes using a brush and automatically inserting them into Rigid simulations. You can do advertising and architectural cinema projects faster with this script.

PhysX Painter

hysX Painter is made to very quickly populate your scenes with your assets in a very natural way.

It allows you to create them using a brush,
and automatically place them with Rigid bodies simulation.

Whether you work in architecture, game cinematics, commercials…etc you very often need to add details to your scenes with some assets. Placing them by hand is tedious and takes time to get a natural look.
You also probably tried to do that with some MassFX simulations,
but it takes a lot of time to get the result you want.

Using this plugin will drastically improve your workflow and help you to make more believable scenes in less time.



3D Plugins are a way to extend the functionality of your video editing software. They can be used for anything from color correction to 3D animation and compositing…

3D Plugins are a set of utilities for after effects, premiere, cinema 4D.., created specifically for the professional needs of video Editors artists.

➡️ ➡️ For more 3D Pluggins    😀 😀


System Requirement For adobe after effects


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