
RayFire 1.84 3dsMax

RayFire 1.84 3D Max plugin. The RayFire tool lets you destroy, shred, blast, break, tear, destroy, explode, fire bullets and other types of explosions in 3D Max software.


Possibilities :

    • Support for Nvidia PhysX Rigid Body dynamic for 32-bit and 64-bit versions of 3D Max software
    • Entropy Bullet Rigid Body dynamic support for 32-bit and 64-bit versions of 3D Max software
    • Dynamic and interactive destruction system
    • Types of ProBoolean Uniform fragmentation, irregular and continuous
    • Voronoi Uniform, irregular, circular, brick and wood chips
    • RayFire Shredder Editor
    • Cracker editor in RayFire
    • RayFire streaming support
    • Parts painting mode
    • Fragmentation by artificial shapes
    • Automatic update system

RayFire 1.84 3dsMax

RayFire is developing for Artists and by Artists, we know how to make workflow Easy to learn and Intuitive to use but still provide High Efficiency.
It will be enough to watch one hour of video tutorials to start using RayFire in your projects.

RayFire Studios RayFire Tool Plug-in for 3ds Max

Fragment, destroy, demolish, wreck, break down, wreak havoc, blow up, burst, detonate, explode and more!

RayFire Tool gives you the ability to fragment, destroy, demolish, wreck, break down, wreak havoc, blow up, burst, detonate, explode and do other similar things you have always dreamed of to do in Max…


  • Nvidia PhysX Rigid Body dynamic support for 32 and 64 bit 3ds Max.
  • Nvidia PhysX Force support
  • Nvidia PhysX Glueing
  • Interactive Dynamic Demolition System for Nvidia PhysX engine
  • Uniform, Irregular and Continuous Fragmentation types
  • Voronoi and Wood Splinters Fragmentation types
  • Draw Fragment mode
  • Fragmentation by custom shapes
  • Reactor Rigid Body dynamic support
  • Interactive Layer Manager
  • Automatic update system


Feature List :

  • Bullet and Nvidia PhysX support via RayFire user interface allows You to create Rigid Body simulations, affect on objects during simulation by Forces, Space Warps and Mouse Cursor.
  • Interactive Demolition System. Creates dynamic simulation and demolishes objects accordingly to their material and collision strength during simulation. Each fragment can be demolished further with proper amount of collision strength.
  • Shatter modifier. Tetrahedron based damaging and fragmentation.
  • Voronoi modifier. Interactive realtime Voronoi shatter modifier.
  • Bricks modifier. Allows to quickly fragment geometry to Bricks or Stones.
  • Cache object. Allows to cache geometry and animation in single file to store it outside of scene.
  • Trace object. Image tracing to fragments.
  • Clusters modifier. Groups simple fragments into more complex clusters.
  • Bomb helper. Allows You to create all kinds of explosions.
  • Fragmentation types. Irregular, Uniform, Voronoi, Wood splinters, Radial, Bricks fragmentation types. Ability to draw cuts over your objects by mouse.
  • Asperity modifier. Adds detalization to simple geometry and makes them much more realistic.
  • Slice modifier. Advanced Slice modifier with all features You may need.
  • Cracks modifier. Animated 3D Cracks inside refractive object.
  • Voxels modifier. Creates voxels using geometry volume.
  • Particle Flow support. Generates geometry objects on particle death and dynamically continues their animation.
  • Fragmentation by Shapes. Allows to use Shapes as stensil to fragment objects.




The design of a 3D file is key to succeed with 3D printing because your model has to be 3D printable. You may be using the best 3D modeling software like Autodesk 3DS Max,Maya or cinema 4D …

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➡️ For more 3D Files    😀 😀

➡️ 3DS Max System Requirements  



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