Transformer 2 For After Effect
Transformer 2 script for After Effects
In this section, you will see another example of an Aftereffect script called Transformer 2, with the help of which you can turn a photo into several pieces and give it different shapes.
Transformer 2 For After Effect
- Save and Load multiple transform properties
- Resize multiple layers
- Calculate Mask Path length
- Offset Position as a grid or along a path
- Random Position
- Rotate By Rows
- Advanced Sequencer
- Bend and Animate Footage along Path
- Footage Duplicator
- Footage Splitter/Cutter
- Make a Panorama or Video Wall
- Select keyframes from multiple layers
- Animation Paths
- Presets Browser
You can cut the image into pieces of any shape using masks
Make a screen wall using the mask path or transform properties
Bend Images using masks
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3D Plugins are a set of utilities for after effects, premiere, cinema 4D.., created specifically for the professional needs of video Editors artists.
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System Requirement For adobe after effects
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