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Rons Sci-Fi Optical Flares

 layer and brush images of various lighting effects  | 446 MB | ABR & PSD & PNG & PDF format


In this collection, you can see various examples of ready-made templates and light effects brushes, which are stored in ABR, PSD and PNG formats and placed on the site. The contents of this collection include 450 brushes and 165 open layer images.

Rons Sci-Fi Optical Flares

  • Details

    Glad to bring you this exciting Sci-Fi Optical Flare special effects package. WOW! There is a lot of creative and useful stuff here. The set comes with over 450 custom photoshop brushes of innovative add-on elements of flares along with futuristic technical digital graphics found in interfaces and 165 ready-to-apply photoshop layers of colorful high energy light flares with real glass artifacts, creative blurring and tech stuff added to complete this set.

    When Lens flares are deliberately used in illustrations they really invoke a sense of drama. I Hope these save you time and money, as well as making your art stand out. I warn, you will be looking for ways to use these everywhere. Have fun, create and enjoy.



    What’s Included and Features

    • 450 Photoshop Brushes (.ABR)
    • 14 2500px x 5000px Photoshop Files (.PSD)
    • 165 Total Layered Sci-Fi Optical Flares (.PSD)
    • 450 PNG’s of Brushes (.PNG)
    • PDF of all Items included (.PDF)
    • Photoshop CS and Above


    • This product includes:
      • 1 Base Installer








The Brush tool allows you to paint on any layer, much like a real paintbrush.

It’s easy to use the Brush tool to paint in your document. Simply Import The Brushes, locate and select the Brush tool from the Tools panel, then click and drag in the document window to paint. You can also press the B key on your keyboard to select the Brush tool at any time.

Brush Size: If you want to make the brush larger or smaller, click the Brush Picker drop-down arrow in the Control panel, then adjust the Size slider. You can also press the bracket keys [ ] to quickly increase or decrease the brush size at any time.

Hardness: If you want to make the edges of the brush harder or softer, you can adjust the hardness from the same drop-down menu. A harder brush will have clear, defined edges, whereas a softer brush will have blurry, less-defined edges. For most situations, we recommend setting the hardness to 50% or less because it will help to make individual brush strokes less obvious.

Brush Tip: If you want to create a unique effect, there are different brush tips to choose from in the same drop-down menu. Some of these are designed to mimic real-life drawing tools like pens and markers, while others are simpler.

Opacity: By default, the opacity of your brush is set to 100%, meaning the brush will use the highest intensity. However, you can reduce the opacity of your brush to make it less intense.


➡️ ➡️ For More Brushes Products  😀 😀


System Requirement For  Photoshop CC





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