
Create this advanced looking effect in only few clicks! Just open your photo, brush the area where you want to apply the effect and click play! Yes, it’s really so simple

Original price was: $8.00.Current price is: $2.50.

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Create this advanced looking effect in only few clicks! Just open your photo, brush the area where you want to apply the effect and click play! Yes, it’s really so simple. After playing the action, you got full layer control, so you can customize the design and build up it more.

Energy Flow Photoshop Action - Photo Effects Actions


The action is tested and working in Photoshop (English versions) CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC.

The action is only working in English versions of Photoshop.

If you are using another language, you can easy change it to English, and after playing the action you can change it back to your native language. This is how you do it: Go to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6\Locales\it_IT (name of this folder depends on your language, if it is Italian it will be it_IT) \Support Files and then find the file tw10428.dat and change it’s extension from tw10428.dat to tw10428.dak. Restart Photoshop.

Easy To Use

UnicDesign’s Photoshop Actions are made so easy to use that anyone can use them, even if you have opened Photoshop for the first time. The actions will create amazing, advanced designs for You in just a few minutes without any effort. They are designed to save you hours and days of work.


Combine actions

If you have more than one my action, you can combine the effects an build even more advanced designs. Below there are over 70 actions to choose from.

How do I combine actions?

1) Run the first action on your photo.
2) When you finish with customizing the design, save your image.
3) Now re-open your image and run another action!

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